Are you super impatient or can’t make any progress because you don’t know where to start?
You have qualities that you may think are your character because you have heard them many times.
Or you have received a diagnosis from some professional. But is it true what they said about you?

We are so busy with what everyone thinks of us and with what we think of everything and everyone and ourselves, that we no longer have time to live our lives. Then we spend a large part of our precious time in trance. Being in a trance means that our thoughts are ‘in the future’ or ‘in the past’. And then we are only in the here and now for a few hours. We have all become so used to this that no one notices it anymore.

When you are impatient everything seems to take longer

You are at your best when you are completely yourself. NOW and HERE.

The older you are the longer you do YOUR thought patterns. Hypnosis makes changing automatic responses easier, because the subconscious mind is much faster than our logical thinking system. 

Self-hypnosis works. You replace the contents of your ‘autopilot’.

You teach yourself to tell a better story. The story you choose for yourself.

Imagine what becomes possible if you let go of what others think of you. True freedom is found within yourself. No one can take that freedom away from you. And no one can give you that freedom. It is your birthright. It is your job to choose your freedom. You don’t even have to fight for it. You just have to stop fighting yourself.

STOP filling in what you think others think of you or want from you. Your solution is only within you. If you learn to let go of the chatter around you and in your head, you will come to yourself, your true self, your untethered soul or whatever you call it. 

Why I wanted to write this book?

I also wanted to write this book to show that we discover and develop through trial and error. And you sustain injuries. That’s not bad at all.

What if you’d stopped learning to walk after falling three times? Then you would still be sitting today? But you accepted that you fell, cried and kept going until you could walk.

The greatest misery and the greatest euphoria pass. Peaks and valleys. Shit happens. It’s a matter of perception. I’m an impatient person myself and that doesn’t make it any easier. You have to give growth and development some time.

Photo: the night nurse reads my book and she sends me this photo

I also wanted to write this book to show that we discover and develop through trial and error. And you sustain injuries. That's not bad at all. bonus2
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