What drives me to do this work?

Setting myself free and taking everyone with me who wants to do the same. You have to do it yourself, as do I. But I’m happy to help you with it. 100%!

I was brought up by people who, when they were young, had to survive war and hunger and fight for everything. That fighting spirit was also in me. Standard command at my house: ‘Keep your back straight, shoulders backwards, head up and always keep going!’

And that command came with the best of intentions, from the heart, to protect me. But I learnt that it is not a healthy attitude, because that way you always have to be on guard. Never good enough, so always stress.

During an accident in Cyprus, I became aware that I was constantly on my heels. All at once I realised that this basic attitude was not going to help me. I had to change!

From then on, I was going to take 100% responsibility for myself and for my life. Everything that no longer belonged to me I was going to LEAVE®.

My life became nicer, sweeter and easier. I wish the same for you. And you … and you … and you …

Photo: With a broken ankle, at home with Elia Stefanidou in Limassol – Cyprus

During an accident in Cyprus, I became aware that I was constantly on my heels. All at once I realised that this basic attitude was not going to free me. I had to change!

Only you can free yourself

And I can teach you HOW!

In all my therapeutic training, while working with people in crisis, with trauma, pain, grief and fear, I learned that you need to talk a lot and often about all that has gone ‘wrong’ in your life. But repeating your miserable story makes you weak and dependent. Is that what you want or do you long to free yourself?

I have seen a lot of suffering, at home, in my family and around it. Stress, struggle and irritation. And repeating that damned past over and over again. But from all those endless therapies, which emerged in the last 100 years, I don’t think we got better. On the contrary!

Stress has a low frequency, which prevents you from growing. People, who see themselves as victims, usually don’t realise how irritating they themselves are. 🙁

Change doesn’t come naturally. I had to fall and stand for it and learn to walk again, literally, step by step. But my life is easier since I really change and understand that only I can and should free myself now.

You can stop being miserable. Learn to TAP & LET GO.

Learn to TAP&LETGO®

You can tell yourself a new story. Don’t push away or deny anything, but stop feeding the old story. The best and perhaps the only way to resolve stress is to let go.

I have tried quite a few methods. I have also smoked, snorted and swallowed all sorts of things. Grateful for the experiences, but it solved nothing. It gave air for a while, but the story that I had or was a problem did not go away with this.

Since I have been focusing on Who I Want to Be, it really delivers something completely different. I call it ‘reprogramming’ through (self) hypnosis, (guided) meditation and EFT tapping. I talk to and about myself differently and I create a new reality.

I enjoy waking up every day uncontaminated and fresh. Nothing more is needed to make me feel different from how I feel.

Do you want to be free?

Choose a different story and miracles will come. I guarantee it!

Photo: Dancing with the sweetest boy of all at a summer wedding. Love Story Photofraphy – Angela Bloemsaat

Je kunt jezelf een nieuw verhaal vertellen. Niets wegduwen of ontkennen, maar het oude verhaal niet meer voeden. De beste en misschien wel de enige manier van stress oplossen is het loslaten. Je kunt jezelf bevrijden. Maar dat moet je willen.

Any story can be changed in a millisecond.
Because it’s all about perception.
Change your story!

What story are you telling yourself and where are you focusing your attention?

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