My working method is agile, just like me
My working method is not a static programme, but evolves every day, just like you and me. There is a basic vision from which I work and I tune in, because no human being is the same. We know in a few minutes whether there is a click and if so, you can achieve quick results.
Have you ever noticed that every story changes every time you tell it? Did you know that memories are never pure, but are always coloured by both the narrator and the listener. Because every person has a unique world of thoughts and feelings.
It’s all about perception and what I love most about helping you is to CHANGE your perception as soon as possible instead of searching for the so-called facts any longer. Because why dig into the past? The past is over and you can’t change that. But when you start REMEMBERING® you can become the BAAS over your life.
During my sessions, I use tapping, hypnosis and other techniques. Actually, my strength is simply in watching and listening carefully, with an open heart, sensing and questioning. Not too much, not too little and at the right moment. I love doing that, because to me every human being is a fascinating creature. Unique and always special.
Photo: At my lovely workplace in Bath, England.

Imagine how attractive you are …
Everything is energy. Imagine how attractive you are when you are comfortable with yourself? Just look at those cute holiday photos. 😉 What you radiate then and who you attract then? Or what you emit when you hate yourself, life, the world, your work, your partner? And what you run into then? Do you feel the difference? It’s not your fault! You are programmed and it is usually unconscious.
My method starts and ends in the NOW and this has led to better results in less time and fewer sessions.
You can’t change the past, but you can change perception
Actually, it doesn’t matter what others think of you, whether you are understood or whether you are right. But what does matter is that you are happy with how and who you are. Perhaps that is the only thing that really matters.
In the video above, you can see a few minutes from a session, which lasted 2 hours. Recorded with Brigida’s permission, giving you an impression of how my method and style work in a session and what the result is. It is Dutch spoken.
Most importantly, I help you to better use your subconscious, or your SUPER BRAIN, so that you can harness it for what you DO want in your life. Instead of automatically repeating self-limiting unwanted habits over and over again.
I learnt practicing hypnotherapy from Martijn Groenendal, Edwin Selij, Rob de Groof, Tom Silver and Igor Ledochowski, among others. Tapping among others from Nick Ortner, Peta Stapleton and Robert Smith, and NLP from Bandler & Grinder and David Key. I was inspired by Hans Korteweg, Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, Carl Jung, Wilhelm Reich, Louise Hay, Frederick Dodson, Joe Dispenza and many others.
We start in the NOW, because that’s where the problem is. You can’t turn back the past, so in my method we don’t waste energy on it. What still matters will come up naturally. Digging into the past lowers your frequency and hinders your growth. So stop digging, but don’t deny or push away either. Go LEAVE®.
If you worry a lot and take care of others more than yourself, energy leakage occurs and you are often tired.
Who do you want to BE from today and what would you want in the future? If you can think, feel and articulate that then you ARE it already and then you can have it. You can start focusing on that. BEWARE and CREATION.
Everything is ENERGY and it is important that your energy flows freely. Just like with the oxygen mask on the plane, first of all you are 100% responsible for yourself and you have to feed yourself first and only then someone else.
What BLOCK in yourself do you have to take away, to let go of? What are the beliefs, habits, programmes you want to get rid of? It’s time to dare to dream. Who is your FUTURE self? And what do you need to do to be that person?
When your energy flows from love for yourself, your creativity can flow again and then you easily get into the right ACTION. You KNOW what you want and you start DOING it.
Different options for working with me
- You can get to know me for FREE through this website; my ebooks, blogs and videos
- Buy my BOOK and get more insight into my vision, my method and the results
- You can also participate directly in an online workshop

At the end of a training with Tom Silver, I did a demonstration of ERT, Emotion Replacement Therapy, where brainwaves were measured and the results were immediately visible to me and the audience. See the video. We spoke Dutch.
Travelling, meditating, nature, being with animals and the book lakes of Neville Goddard and Walles D. Wattles have helped me let go of much of what I have learned. This certainly includes letting go of beliefs around therapy and trauma. Eventually, I turned things around in this area too.
where can i begin?
The choice is up to you!
Is your desire for liberation greater than the fear of taking the next step? That makes a good start!
Listen carefully to yourself and make your choice.
Make it easy for yourself and choose one of the three options below. NOW all 3 immediately available with a time limited discount.
Or start with a no-obligation call appointment
1: Just listening

Buy the book or let it be read to you. Order the Audiobook with a time limited fun SPECIAL OFFER.
2. Do the Workshop

Order the STRESS RELEASE workshop and begin immediately. Including a demo session and you can tap along.
3. Dive into the Deep

Order a VIP BUNDLE of 3 sessions, in which I help you let go immediately. With ease and fun, you will quickly reach deep inner peace and power.